Musings after Thanksgiving

When a holiday such as  Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, Easter etc., come around, I notice that I continually give myself permission to get off my standard of healthy eating choices in favor of sugary temptations. I give myself lots of great excuses. The pumpkin pie, because it is at least healthier than ________ pie. Using the same logic, the Ice Cream by________ because it only has 5 natural ingredients in it, instead of brand X because it has 32 chemicals added that I can’t even pronounce their names., nor do they even have to be listed on the label,(labeling laws) At least it is healthier excuse to indulge in my chosen weakness, over not having delicious pie ala mode. For the kids, perhaps, I justify corn syrup snacks of fruit leather, for the same reasons, or perhaps Granola bars, they are at least healthier than CANDY, even though they have corn syrup in them too, even chocolate. What is the harm of a little Chocolate now and then at least I don’t eat it all the time. And so my excuses go, ad nausium.
Result- up and down during the night, blowing, hacking, coughing and concerned about fevers. Putting a steamer in the bedroom for breathing. Coughing and hacking day and night. I thought to myself, where is the joy and happiness in all this? Others may be used to this. They may think it is a normal way of life. What is my excuse, why am I justifying myself for not living up to what I know? Do I need more convincing? Don’t I know better?
Seeing the prices I pay, it just doesn’t seem worth it to me, at the moment, until the next temptation comes around. It can turn into heavy consequences, so again, Where is the happiness or joy in that? Why do I keep breaking the laws of health? Why do I justify myself in breaking them, if I know them, why do I not do? I should be setting the best example because I have the greatest knowledge, and also, others may follow my example. I need to raise up and be strong, and resist these temptations. (I need to read this every week 🙂 )

Mallow picture


This picture is of Mallow (Malva neglecta)

(Note: People often ask me what I use in my green drinks—You can use Leaves and stems of this plant in green drinks. ♥ I use this free food in my green drinks quite often along with Dandelion greens, Shepherds Purse, and Comfrey,  is another weed I use fresh out of my garden 🙂 )

Sometimes called Cheeses, Malva, marshmallow

It is very good for kidney and liver complaints. Used to help increase Milk production in nursing mothers. Contains valuable minerals and is freely found in most gardens.

Contains Vit. A, B1, B2, B3, and C. Minerals -Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc,