
So much for freedom of the press, that anything we write, especially if it ties to health must have a disclaimer so that we don’t go to jail, or at least hauled into court. Imagine, a person who is supposed to be allowed to express his opinions under the banner of “free speech” must still put a disclaimer as a preface to his words, thoughts, and opinions.  Heaven forbid someone reads these words and claims to be adversely affected by them, thus ensuring a barrage of lawsuits filed under the guise of protecting the unknowing victims who were stupid enough to read this and believe it !  We tried to change the law in Utah to make it so that prescribing medicine without a license would be a misdemeanor instead of a felony.  The change failed because hundreds of thousands of dollars poured into the state to make sure it didn’t. When you have a TRILLION dollar a year business, (I heard it was up to 2 TRILLION now) what is a few million, just to ensure your continued success.

With that being said, Before you read, listen, or see anything on this website, you had better check with your medical doctors, your pharmacists, your friends, your politicians, your priest, your rabbi, your psychic, and anyone else that you feel is smarter than you, and see if you can get permission to read, listen, or see anything on this website.  If you decide to try anything, you do so at your own risk. Nothing on this website is intended, or should be taken as a prescription.

I am not a medical doctor, nor do I claim or want to be one. This website is purely for religious, and educational purposes, and given as my own uneducated opinion, guess, experience, random rambling  or untrained thought, regardless of what may be said otherwise.

One definition of a drug is “any pure substance”. Only a legalized drug pusher can authorize you to take any medicine or drug for your health or well being. So please check with your Dr. or legal health practitioner . In fact, in many cases, even he can only approve the drugs that are on the approved list, or he could lose his license. Using herbs, or prescribing herbs, is considered quackery by the drug companies and could result in his losing his license, from them, to practice. The drug companies own the medical schools, so Dr’s only learn Drugs and Surgery.  So much for the Hippocratic oath.

I believe that there is also a statute on the books that “Only a drug can be used  or prescribed, to treat, prevent, mitigate, or cure a disease.”  As a result now everything you can get is a disease.  Obesity is now a disease, Heart Attack, High Blood Pressure, and etc.

American Death Ceremony

Please see the Article, “The American Death Ceremony” it should, at least, be good for a laugh.

7 thoughts on “Disclaimer

  1. Example of Death Ceremony # 2
    A lady came in to see me. She said something is wrong with me, I don’t feel good.
    She said, “be careful, I might try to kill you”
    I backed up and asked her what her story was.
    She had gone to the Dr. and he had put her on a steroid, telling her to take 3 pills a day. She had taken 3 the first day and did not feel well, so took 2 the next day and 1 the next day. By the third day she had come to see me.
    I looked in her eyes and all the nerve fibers were on edge. I told her that she ought to go to her Dr. and see if she couldn’t get off of it, because it looked like, in my uneducated opinion, like she was having a drug reaction. She took my advice to go see her Dr.
    The rest of the story—-
    I saw her again sometime later and asked how she was doing. She told me that she had gone to see him and asked to get off of the medication and had told him her symptoms. He laughed at her and told her to take 3 a day. She reached up and grabbed him around the throat and started to throttle him. He pulled her hands off from around his neck and she left his office.
    She decided to take responsibility for her own health and stopped taking the drug. She said she was feeling much better. 🙂

  2. Example of Death Ceremony #1
    A man came to see me. He said he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to know what to do. I looked in his eyes and saw all kinds of, what looked like, drug deposits. I asked him about it, he said he was on 8 different medications. I said, “8 !!!!!” I would go to your Dr. and see if you can’t get off some of them. He went to the Dr. the next day. The Dr. gave him a ninth one. He called the nurse the next day and said he wasn’t feeling well could he come back and see the Dr. again. She said he would be free the next day and come in. He went in the next day and while in the waiting room, asked the nurse if he could use the bathroom because he wasn’t feeling well. Of course she said yes. He went into the bathroom and died in their bathroom. Three days after he saw me he was dead. He was only 34 years old and he left a family of wife and kids.

  3. Example of Death Ceremony #3
    While living in a small town in Southern Utah, I visited an older family once a month. It was just a retired man and his wife who were living by themselves, because their family was all raised. As related to me by his wife, he was on a heart medication. They had gone into the Dr. and he had given him another prescription. This one day shortly after, he had a heart attack as he was coming up the stairs from the basement of the house. Somehow she realized that the drug he had just recently been taking was causing it because it was interacting with the other drug he had been on before. She was able to get him up and rushed him to the hospital, told them what she suspected was happening. They quickly saw the problem and gave him a shot to neutralize the drug. They praised her for her quick thinking and because of it saved his life. It was a short response time because they only lived 2 blocks from the hospital, and because she already had figured out correctly, what was happening.

  4. Example of Drug created problem.
    Having delivered two babies at home, I was concerned about having a baby at the hospital, which is where my wife wanted to have our third. (She had heard how great they were,”pain free”. Respecting her decision, we spent some time in researching Dr.s and hospitals. She wanted to go to a female Dr. so we found one that was some distance from our house. In quizzing her about natural birth and how she felt about it, she was very positive and sounded supportive. When I asked her about C section history, she said she only did them when there was fetal distress. This caused me some concern as to what constituted “fetal distress”, but my wife settled on her and choose her as her Dr. I won’t go through at this time all the Dr. visits they put us through before the time of delivery, but I got hooked into all the “Fetal monitoring” that they put us through. To put a long story short when it came time for delivery at a local hospital when checking in, I crossed out the part that gave the Dr’s permission to do any surgery they wanted to or deemed necessary without my permission. When there was fetal distress because they jumped up the dosage of pitocin from 4 to 8 (without me knowing), the contractions were so close together that the baby couldn’t get oxygen. I had all three Dr.s in the room ask me to sign the paper that would give them permission to do a C section. I told them, No I would not sign it. The problem was not the baby because I had been monitoring that, but it was all the pitocin they were giving her and to get her off of it. They gave her a shot to neutralize the pitocin and the babies heart rate came right back up. My wife delivered naturally 4 minutes later, without a C section. Go figure.

  5. Example of Death Ceremony.
    I was at a church meeting where I didn’t know many people. It was a day we called testimony Sunday. An older lady stood up and began to tell her story. She said she was so glad to be back to church. I guess she had been sick for a long time. She said she had gone to the doctor feeling terrible. They soon put her in the hospital and days later called her family and told them they had better come because their mother was not going to last much longer. For some reason the family or she herself decided to get another opinion on what she should do. The second doctor decided to let her stop taking all her medications since she was going to die anyway. Within days she got better, felt better than she had in years and came to church without her walker that she had also been using for years.
    I will never forget her story.

    • Thank you for sharing. I hear many stories like this. It is one of the reasons for sharing this website, to help others find the truth and change their lives accordingly.

  6. Thanks for the warning. I take full responsibility for reading your website and sharing the ideas with my friends and family. It’s okay though because they already think I am a quack. No concern that they will ever take my advice no matter if I read it somewhere.

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