My story

I was taken to the hospital at an early age to find out why I was sick all the time.  Mom said I was upchucking about everything I ate.  At the age of 6 they finally found that I did not make gamma globulin.  They put me on 2 cc’s of it every 2 weeks.  Presto I became a much healthier person.  I learned to hate the “peanut butter” shots with the big needle.  I often asked why I couldn’t have one of those thin needles (diabetic) I had seen being used, but the nurse never told me why.  I had to find out later by myself that it was too thick, it needed a bigger hole to get it through.  It was humiliating pulling your pants down to get one of these shots in your but. (my arm didn’t have enough meat on it).  I had to put my head in a pillow, and put my arms up around the sides, just so I wouldn’t tense up when they hit me with the needle, otherwise I could tell and would tense up and it would hurt a lot worse. I still felt blessed, but was very fervent in my prayers to God, that I wouldn’t need them any more.  By the time I was 15 my prayers were answered. YES!!!

One of my jobs as the oldest of 9 kids was to make 6 loaves of whole wheat bread every other day.  It was 24 cups of WW flour every 2 days. Plus we had cracked wheat cereal ground fresh for breakfast most mornings.  If I remember right, our family went through a 50 pound sack of wheat every month. I don’t know how Mom did it, trying to make so much food, with so little.  I can still eat cracked wheat cereal and whole wheat bread, but I really like WW Sour Dough and multi grain bread now and multi grain cereal, because it is so much more healthy. (More info on this on my website)

As far as my health- During fitness testing, at work, my push-ups went from 55-60 push-ups in a minute to 72 for a couple of years, then they jumped to 92 in one minute.  That is only doing them once a year, so that takes exercise out of the equation. I was doing more pushups after I was 50 years old than I ever did before.  Also I believe I haven’t missed a day of work in over 35 years.  If I did get sick with the flu or a cold I would usually be over it in 3 hrs. My favorite remedy of choice, is Dr. Christophers – “Anti-plg” I believe it to be called “Garlic Immune” now.  I also believe exercise to be important. So I ride a bicycle back and forth to work most days. ( I don’t like rain and slushy days) I do still ride when it is cold, like below zero degrees, because then the roads are not wet with rain or slush. I’m kind of funny huh?

I got into health and nutrition when I was about 12 years old. Our diet, as a family, seemed to be effective in making us healthier than most. I remember in Jr. High School setting the school record in pull-ups.  I was pretty proud of that.

In my 60’s I still hang from the bars upside down to get the lymphatic drainage I need after sitting so many hours every day to help keep my immune system up.  This brings me to the idea I have had of another page on immunity which is far more important to keep up, than wear a mask during a pandemic.

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Testimony to Chiropractors

A co-worker who went to a chiropractor for sciatic nerve damage found relief for over a year now and expressed to me his happiness in his greater mobility.  He has had Carpal tunnel surgery 3 times and yet he still drinks soda pop even though he knows the damage it causes to his nerves. Addictive habits are hard to break.  He is a great example of how ineffective surgery can be in covering symptoms without dealing with the cause.

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