
Physical (My body needs)

Possible Needs or Hungers

  • Sleep (6/12-8 hrs.)
  • Good Nutrition-eat more healthy meals (live foods to be alive, dead foods to be dead)
  • Make a Green Smoothie -(live food) (see Recipe on menu)
  • Cut, eliminate sodas and caffeine drinks (<0)
  • Eliminate Refined Sugar, Sucrose, Fructose, High fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, and especially all artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Sorbitol,  Nutrasweet, Sucralose, etc.
  • Water (8 Cups/day) (Non Chlorinated)
  • Air (Deep Breathing helps mind work) (helps move lymphatics)
  • Laughing
  • Singing (sing through a whole song with one breath) work diaphragm
  • Play musical instrument that takes breathing (Clarinet, Oboe, Tuba, Bassoon, Trumpet, Trombone, etc.)
  • Exercise (30 min/3x week)
  • Arise well on time (1/2 hr earlier so not rushed)
  • Join a fitness club or work out-with-friends
  • Take a nutrition class and practice what you learn
  • Listen to uplifting music that is relaxing for 30 min a day
  • Take a nice walk for a half hour a day
  • Ride a bike to work (Save money and exercise all at the same time)
  • Swim at lunch time
  • Learn or practice a sport every day
  • Take a fitness or exercise class
  • Start doing Yoga or other stretching and relaxing activities
  • Get a workout video and start doing it
  • Take time to look your very best every day
  • Practice stress management techniques (massage, humor, relaxation etc.)
  • Aroma therapy (lavender or chamomile oil)


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