
My mantra is:


That being said, feel free to bring your recipes that work for you, and that you would like to share with us.  They may or may not be alive and they may or may not get posted. If you would like to know why please let me know and I will try to respond. Depends on whether I like them or not. lol

I realize that changing diet is like changing religion.  It is very tough to do. As a result, and knowing that we are all at different levels, or have special needs, and different taste buds, I will post recipes that you will not consider healthy. It does not mean that you need to try them or that you should. It may mean that I just consider them healthier than another alternative.

Dr. Alex Guerrero said, ” Twenty seconds of a positive thought can turn your body alkaline, and twenty seconds of a negative thought can turn your body acid,  so please bear in mind that we are trying to reduce food stresses.  Whether that takes a form of making a meal faster, or easier, or more nutritious or another alternative to an allergen, or just because I simply like a sugar fix every now and again. I know for the female gender it is a chocolate fix, and I will post those too even though I object to most sugars & chocolate being considered a food. (food meaning moving forward in a positive direction)

Please give me at least one reason why you consider that it should be posted. 🙂

I am thinking of a rating system for healthy food or recipes. I will post a PDF of rated foods, of what I have gotten so far.

” One man’s medicine is another man’s p…..”

Please be watchful of copyright laws.  If anyone objects to what is posted, please let me know.

I am also working on making sensitive recipes only viewable, to who you want to share them with. I want to make and have available my recipes, not only to share with who I want, but to make a repository of recipes in digital form.

If you would like to participate in this project let me know. I think Diets, Recipes for diets, and comments about diets, would appropriately go here also? What do you think?

3 thoughts on “Recipes

  1. The video was not clear on how much of each grain you put in the cereal mixture. what I beat paullen (I don’t think I wrote that right). I want to get started on making my own. This would save time for me in the morning. What kind of thermos did u use? where could I get it?
    Thanks for the video.

    • It is very flexible. I personally use 1/2 cup of any of the grains. It makes about 1 quart by the time I put it into a Mason Jar with the rest of the ingredients. (This may be too much for some people). 1/3 of a cup works well. If I really want to make it alkaline then I will use just 70% Millet and 30 % Buckwheat.
      The Thermos that you see in the video is the one I use. It is a 1.1 liter wide mouth lifetime stainless. After I preheat it with boiling water. I dump that out. Then I add the grains and then I fill (with boiling water) to the neck. If I use a bigger wide mouth, Stainless lifetime Thermos, then I only fill it with about 3 Cups of boiling water so that it will fit in my quart mason jar. (If you are feeding more people than 1 person then of course you may want to increase the grain volume as well as the Water volume).

      Maybe I failed to tell what I do with the grain mix after it is cooked. When I wake up at 2:45 am, I dump out the grain mixture from Thermos into a quart wide mouth Mason jar and use some coaxing to get all of it out of the Thermos. I may put a heaping teaspoon of honey and stir it around to get the honey melted and distributed, then I put in 3 ice cubes to cool it down so that the heat will not destroy the Omega 3’s and such. After it is cooled down by stirring, I then may quickly add Cinnamon, stir in about 4 types of seed.
      1.Sunflower seeds (sprouted optional),
      2&3. Flaxseed +Sesame seed mix (already powdered- hopefully[I do a pint at a time lasts me about a week])out of the Frig, about 3 tablespoons,
      4. Chia seeds
      Then I stir in some fruit,Raisins, Dates, and or Figs and or blueberries, last), or whatever is in season. (bananas, Cherries, Apricot, Apple, etc. amounts are controlled by the size of the Mason jar.
      Time to read these instructions 10 min.
      Time for me to prepare my breakfast and lunch, sometimes dinner too, if I don’t have time to eat, 10 min.

      Sweeteners I have used are Honey, Organic Black strap Molasses, Stevia (100% pure, no additives).
      Note: KAL makes one. If you would like me to post a picture of what I sometimes use, I can do.

  2. Oh and the egg and rice breakfast I was telling you about. I hear up rice brown or white it is up too you. The put the rice in a bowl. Cook an egg over-easy, this part can be tricky make sure to use a spatula that is stiff and fine on the end. Make sure your pan is nice and slick I try to use oil or butter (if you have suggestions on a heather oil I am open). once the egg cooked place it over the rice in you bowl and smush it so that all the runny egg yokes get all over the rice. You should not need to salt it there is plenty of sodium in the yoke. Egg is good for brain activity. It helps the mind to quickly recall information. I usually eat an egg with breakfast before a test. Note the yoke is high in cholesterol so one yoke is more than enough if you want more egg use the whites of the egg.

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