
There is much that can and should be said about Minerals.  More I think than can be said about Vitamins. Vitamins cannot make Minerals, but many Minerals are part of the process of making Vitamins, so there you go. So I think that I need to devote some space to talk about minerals and their place in good health.

First of all, don’t just go out and buy minerals. It is a lot harder to not waste your money nowadays with all the government regulations than it used to be.  Usually you will find minerals in tablet form and almost always the binder they use is Magnesium stearate and or Stearic Acid. One is also a lubricant to keep the tablet from sticking in the machinery. These bind the minerals so tightly that they are not used by the body. Plus the government dictates how hard they are pressed together, how much pressure is used.

One company gets around this by using a form of Vitamin C as the binder instead of the Magnesium Stearate or Stearic Acid.

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