
Hello Friends! Lets live healthier and happier!

I created this website because I saw the need to create a way of sharing between us.  You are valuable to me and I wanted a way to share more with you personally than I have made time for.. ( I know we are all given the same amount of time, (24/7) It is a choice.):-)

I would like to know of your successes and what has worked for you, as well as what hasn’t worked. So please contribute your thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions, recipes, and what has worked, or not, for you.

Thank you So… much for being my friend, You have enriched my life.


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Recent Posts

Testimony to Chiropractors

A co-worker who went to a chiropractor for sciatic nerve damage found relief for over a year now and expressed to me his happiness in his greater mobility.  He has had Carpal tunnel surgery 3 times and yet he still drinks soda pop even though he knows the damage it causes to his nerves. Addictive habits are hard to break.  He is a great example of how ineffective surgery can be in covering symptoms without dealing with the cause.

  1. Got an updated PH balance list Leave a reply
  2. New Changes Leave a reply
  3. Sonix 3 Leave a reply
  4. Navigate Leave a reply
  5. Musings after Thanksgiving 2 Replies