Vegi Wrap

Start with a couple of good sized tortillas (10″+) Ezekiel makes a nice sprouted tortilla (or get the one from this website). Another favorite is Sally’s Whole Wheat Tortilla. I then spread on the tortilla some Veganaze with Grape Seed or Homemade Mayo (made with Olive oil). After spreading this with a spatula I add Mustard for spice and flavor (optional). You could use a garlic spread or chopped garlic (if odor is not a problem). For a delightful change I spread on homemade Hummus {recipe from this website}.

For the bulk or meat of it, I add Shredded Cabbage and Sweet Onion (purple is my favorite). You could add some shredded Carrot if you would like it sweeter. Avacado and Romaine lettuce can also be added for even more bulk and variety. I add homemade Dill pickle, and shelled sunflower seeds sprinkled on top.

I then roll it up inside a plastic wrap being sure to secure the ends (diagonally if necessary) and put into lunch box etc.

Note: This is surprisingly filling and easily tailored to your taste buds. No cooking involved. I love the plastic wrap to keep it all together nicely and any lunch box moisture away. Can be eaten with one hand?