
I have a friend, who played trumpet, who had Asthma. As we would walk home together after Jr.High School, he would wheeze so bad it used to scare me, that he wouldn’t  be able to breath.  He would spray stuff in his mouth, it didn’t seem to help him very much, to me. One day He and his mom showed up at our door to talk to my mom? Anyway we talked to them about dietary changes,, (No dairy,cheese, etc.) and an herbal combination, (I believe it was Comfrey-Mullein combination) by Dr. Christopher. We moved away, about 30 years later he showed up at my door working for FedEx. He said he followed our advice and now did not have Asthma, and no inhaler for more than 20 years. His breathing sounded perfectly good to me, so I believed him. We had a joyful reunion.

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