
I didn’t think that anything could be done for this, but when my Dad who is over 80 started growing hair back in his bald spot, I changed my mind. We have narrowed it down to two possibilities maybe in combination?

One is: He thinks it is the , that he started to use about a year ago.

Two is: We think it is Dr Schulze’s SuperFood plus, which he drinks every day. I think he has been doing it for over a year now. It is a vitamin and Mineral Herbal Concentrate Herbal supplement. You can find this supplement at

I am now trying it myself to see what I think, and what it does for my bald spot. I am about 20 days into it now. I am doing 2 tablespoons of it a day like Dad does to see if I get the same result.  I think it is definitely giving me nutrition in some areas that I was lacking in my diet before. It could still be that it requires johnelliswater to work for hair growth, but I am definitely feeling more energy and better all around. This Superfood does have Iodine and Zinc which are important.

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