Dr. Guerrero

I want to thank Dr. Alex Guerrero for the huge influence all of his lectures have had in my life and for the great pioneering work he has accomplished. He has had great courage and has been an answer to my prayers and answered many of the questions I had in understanding health and being healthy. He has worked or practices sports medicine with the 49rs, The LA Lakers, the Seattle Sea Hawks, The Miami Dolphins, The New York Yankees, and another team in Chicago?

After Graduating as a Dr. in Oriental Medicine in China. He applied for a Million Dollar grant to see what alternative medicine could do with 180 test patients that western medicine had given up on, (these were the worst or most hopeless cases they could find.) Most of these patients were cancer and AIDs patients who had had Kemo therapy and were given 6 to 8 weeks to live.  Western Allopathic medicine had given up on them.  They were basically waiting in hospital beds to die.  He applied for the grant and got the funding.  He changed their diet, putting them on fruits and vegetables and foods that vibrated over 100 MHz. (healthy people vibrate about 70 Mhz, these patients vibrated around 5 Mhz.) He lost the first 6 in the first two weeks.

He was examining the petri dishes while eating a peach when some of the peach juice dropped into one of them.  He set it aside being contaminated.  When he came back (the next day?) on examining it, he noticed all these cancer cells and other sick cells eating off the fruit sugar, so he took all the patients off fruit as well.  Low and behold he never lost another patient, all 174  were still alive after 5 years.!!!!

Isn’t that marvelous? Where have you ever heard of that kind of success especially after having had their immune systems ruined by drugs and surgery.  It is a different story as to why this information, this medical phenomenon, was never published to the world, so such a marvel could be duplicated. Such fantastic success should have been published in all the medical journals of the world and shouted from the housetops.  Instead it was quietly squashed.

Who was the Nobel prize winner in (1929 or 1927?) who after finding the cause of cancer said, ” Now, there is no reason for a person to ever have cancer.”

2 thoughts on “Dr. Guerrero

    • I don’t know yet. I have tried all the numbers I have and they don’t work. I am trying to get to other contacts who might know.

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