
This is a major area of being healthy or not. I am convinced after nearly 50 years of study in alternative medicine that PH seems to dictate health.  People who have a  PH that is not alkaline often manifest a host of diseases and health problems. Isn’t it great to know that most (900+) diseases are diet related.  This means that we can fix the problem. Our bodies can heal. I am amazed at the stories of people who I would have thought were past helping, with one foot in the grave, were living joyful lives, after changing their diet. example: One report I read, 90 % of those that had diabetes, were able to totally get off of insulin after only ONE month of dietary changes¹. Isn’t this fantastic news?

¹”Eat To Live” by Joel Fuhrman M.D.

and a great book by Victoria Boutenko called  “Green for Life”  This is the book that got me started on drinking a gallon of green smoothies for their health benefits.

These are great books to expound on what I have been trying to teach for 30 + years.  I love blended vegetable smoothies for what they have added to my health.

I was taught in school how to measure your saliva PH at home for myself. I was told that healthy people should be alkaline 7.1 to 7.4 range. Here you do not get heart attacks (generally).  Yeast, fungus, molds and bacteria and (Cancer?) cells do not proliferate in an alkaline environment. Wow!  is this fantastic or what. No wonder this is kept a mystery?

If your range is 4.0 to 4.5 you will get a  heart attack eventually? Meat is acid. Your most natural alkaline foods are vegetables. Sugar is acid because Yeast, Fungus, Molds and Bacteria love sugar, and their waste, known as mycotoxins, are very acid.

Soda Pop is very acid at 2.3 acidity.  Phosphoric Acid is used to clean calcium off machinery. (No wonder people have back problems, Knee problems, Shoulder, Hip, Ankle,  and a slew of other structural problems related to calcium).  The Carbonic Acid  is acid, the Sugar or fake sugars, are even worse such as Nutrasweet, Sucralose (generally not in soda), and Aspartame. Caffeine is acid.  So what you are getting is really an A-C-I-D wash with soda. No wonder Dr’s claim they would loose 90% of their business if people gave up soda. I was shocked at how high the number was so I questioned a Dr., “Not 50%, or 60 %?”

The answer was an emphatic, “No 90%!”  Many years later I read in a book, “Visions of Glory” another Dr. who stated that, he would loose 90% of his business if people gave up soda pop. Note: after multiple surgeries for kidney stones, the Dr. finally told him that if he gave up soda, he wouldn’t have kidney stones anymore. He stopped drinking soda and he didn’t have kidney stones anymore. This was a most fascinating read.  I highly recommend reading this book, even if  it is just finding out how this guy died 4 times.

Here is a chart of some foods or non foods according to their desirability for health or not. I got the original list from Dr. Guerrero. It is not definitive, but certainly worth some thought and more study.

Acid Alkaline Foods A .doc to ponder over. Note: If you need this in another format let me know. and another page called Table 2.

Table 2 foods or non foods in Doc format

Table-2-foods-or-non-foods in PDF format

Thinking can also change our PH. Dr. Garrerro said, “20 seconds of a Positive thought can make your body more alkaline, 20 seconds of a negative thought can make your body more acid.”  Only 20 seconds. Perhaps that is why laughing can be such positive therapy. Many books are written on this subject. Check out

“Magnificent Mind At Any Age” by Dr. Daniel G. Amen M.D. showing brain pictures and scans. You can actually see, from the pictures, the brain healing itself.

One of my favorite books was written by a friend of mine:

“Live on purpose through PATHOLOGICAL POSITIVITY ” by Paul H. Jenkins, Ph.D.

Two great reference books I have often referred back to are

“Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” by Karol K. Truman and

“The Emotion Code” by Dr. Bradley Nelson


3 thoughts on “Acid-Alkaline

  1. I once saw a mechanic clean a corroded battery with a wash of Coca Cola. I thought I would never drink soda again.

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