
My wife has been watching a 9 DVD series called “THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER”. I watched the first one in the series on YouTube. I just did a Google search and looked for one that was about 2 hrs long.  I was impressed to find so many truths brought out in just those 2 hrs.  It has my whole hearted endorsement.  I loved that it brought out the politics behind the money, in Cancer, and the hidden agenda of the drug companies in suppressing any cures for cancer, from getting out to the public that does not make them any money. Ty Bollinger does a much better job of getting the truth to the public than this site does.  There is no way I can put 18 hrs of information onto this page. Oh wait ! I think I can bring up at least a link to that information. Here is a 4 minute presentation or trailer and free access to the 9 DVD’s   Here is a link to the first DVD on YouTube

I wish Ty Bollinger would have included Dr. Guerrero in his interviews of Drs.  He had such incredible success with all kinds of Cancer and even AIDS. These 180 test patients, that were given to him, by the hospitals, for a million dollar study over 5 years, were the worst cases the hospitals could find.  They had already had Chemo and radiation and even with destroyed immune systems, the doctors had only given them 6-8 weeks to live because the Cancer and AIDS had come back, he was still able to save 174 of them for 5 years when the study ended, and was not able to find any Cancer cells in their bodies.

Note: He lost the first 6 of the 180 in the first two weeks, which caused him to make one change in their diet.  He never lost another one after that initial 2 week and dietary change. All 174 lived to the end of the study. That would be 100% success on the new improved diet.

Now is that phenomenal or what? This information should have been shared with the world. Can you see why this research was suppressed and never allowed to come out to the public? It would destroy billions if not trillions of dollars of income, if the truth ever got out of the relationship of Cancer to such simple things as diet and/or emotions.

Do you see why Big Pharma is the largest industry in America? I was told it is 2.3 Trillion dollars a year now.  30 years ago it was the largest industry in America at 1 Trillion a year. No wonder as a nation we are headed to health poverty.  That is more money than it takes to run our manipulated Socialist Democratic government, or whatever you want to call it.

I wonder what has happened to Dr. Guerrero? Has he gone to jail or prison? None of his phone numbers that I have work anymore.  What happened to the hours and hours of his original taped lectures, that I had, disappear to?