High Blood Pressure

You will be happy to know that Hypertension is not a disease, but the bodies corrective or defensive measure to cope with different pathological functions such as degenerative changes in arteries (arteriosclerosis), overweight, emotionally caused dysfunction, general toxemia, impaired kidney function, glandular problems, defective calcium metabolism, etc.  So the objective is to eliminate the reason for blood elevation, then it will come to normal by itself.

Dietary considerations may include low sodium, high potassium foods.  A Raw Plant based diet is best.Vegetables, Fruits, Seeds, Millet, Buckwheat, Oats and Rice are the best cereals. Wheat Grass is ultimate (diluted 15 parts water to 1) and Green Smoothies are great too. See Acid-Alkaline menu which will also explain why to leave Soda pop, Coffee, alcohol, all animal proteins, salt, mustard, black and white pepper, alone. Research studies show Buckwheat and Garlic are super, eat lots of it, Cayenne Pepper will help too as it helps equalize blood pressure.

A 24 hr fast periodically works very well also.  Walking and deep-breathing exercises

More to come later. I ran out of time to finish this page. Want to put this much up for a person that I met just yesterday who had a heart attack.