
This problem is affecting more and more people as we consume more fast food and get away from healthy living.  There is a lot of conflict and variety of opinions as to why a person is over weight and even what to do about it. Part of the problem is that the reasons are varied.  It is not just one size or diet fits all.  For some it doesn’t tie to diet at all because it is emotional or spiritual. For others it is just the opposite. You are your best doctor as you get in tune with yourself and pray for guidance from our higher power.

Just some thoughts on the subject. For me I discovered that I had a thyroid problem so I take 4 “00” capsules, of kelp, a day to get the natural iodine I need for a healthy thyroid, (also called a triple warmer) It produces a lot of harmones  needed in the body.

Exercise– I also exercise every day, but Sunday, to get the lymphatics moving.  There is more lymph in your body than there is blood. They take toxins and poisons from the cell and bring nutrition to the cell. They work on one way check valves which is the lymphatic pump.^ Using a jump rope as an analogy, as you jump up the valves are closed, as you come down the valves are open. Hand stands, head stands, hanging upside down are great because they are all open for a good flush. You can think of swelling as stuffed up lymphatics, or lack of lymphatic circulation.

Diet – Eat live foods to be alive, dead foods to be dead. Do not starve yourself to lose weight. Eat lots of vegetables especially.  I try to drink mine in a green smoothie. (about two quarts a day) I have a quart for breakfast and a quart for lunch and I am full.  Sprouts are a great addition to a live diet. I have started throwing in alfalfa sprouts into my green smoothie, for an extra punch.

The following are Seven highly acid-forming sources to avoid.

Soda Pop or Carbonated beverages. (colas, fake energy drinks, even club soda) is designed to make you fat, in fact diet sodas will make you fat faster because they are higher in toxicity with all the nerve toxins. They will kill you off slowly but effectively. I found that, “1 soda pop a year is one to many“. Some people who gave up soda noticed almost an immediate weight loss. My personal opinion is that Soda is one of the most toxic poisons we can ingest.  Some of the Soda out there measures 2.3 in acidity.

To be healthy, our blood PH should be on the Alkaline side of 7.0 which is the PH water should be. Almost all of our vegetables are on the Alkaline side. (See this website for Alkaline foods)

Sugar (table sugar,artificial sugars, HFCS or High Fructose corn syrup, etc.) feeds yeast, fungus, molds and bacteria which in turn develop mycotoxins which are very toxic and acidic. More on this on my website.

Coffee beans (208 acids in the harmful or incompatible range for the human body)

Tobacco (smoking and chewing)

Alcohol in all forms

Black tea (tannic acid), hot or cold

Emotions- Bottled up, unresolved stress (Extreme worry, anger, frustration, or fear). Dr. Guerrero has a saying, “20 seconds of a negative thought can turn your body acid and 20 seconds of a positive thought can turn your body alkaline”.


One of the best books I have read on Weight loss is by Joel Fuhrman M.D. called “EAT TO LIVE” The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss.         It even has a positive review by Mehmet Oz M.D.


Most people lose 20 lbs or more in 6 weeks and he tells why and puts down a lot of the myths out there. I found it very enjoyable reading because there was so much truth packed into one book. I highly recommend this book for not only wanting to lose weight but to be healthy.


Two outstanding testimonies were from two different women who lost 100 lbs in one year. One told me. “All I did was take sugar out of my diet.” Another who had lost 195 lbs in two years, “I took Sugar out of my diet, I haven’t had any cake or cookie or donut for 2 years!!!” I do know that she included a lot of walking or daily exercise also.


More on this later.