
Here are some videos that I enjoyed, but which I did not make myself.

6 thoughts on “Snacks

  1. She is right on in so many areas it is funny. I went through this realization of the propaganda and reading between the lines.
    This is why I choose NOT to watch mass media. I especially see it in Drug ads on TV, Politics, and the interpretive slant they put on the news, and the scare tactics, for more unconstitutional laws, in which we loose our freedom, mostly from showing only one side of the picture. For example you don’t see or hear about the literally thousands of lives each year that are saved by a gun. We don’t hear about the school shootings that were stopped by a teacher having a concealed carry gun. One teacher had to litterally run out to his car to get a gun and still saved a lot of lives. you don’t believe me? email me and I will send you some articles.

    • Thanks for sharing this. I especially agree with her information about the women’s lib comments.

  2. This is why I became a label reader. It cut my grocery bill in half. lol I see a snack and think I will buy that treat. then I look at the label and I put it back on the shelf because I can’t stand to put those kind of poisons into my body.

    • This is a great example of the roll politics plays in our lives and our food. Please watch at least the first 2 minutes. It might change how you view your world.

  3. Here she talks about fruit CODES on labels.
    4 digit code starts with a 4 = Normal
    4 digit code starts with a 3 = Conventional but Irradiated
    5 digit code starts with a 8 = GMO product (causes autoimmune diseases)
    5 digit code starts with a 9 = Organic

    Is this accurate information?

  4. I now see foods, fruits and vegetables with a 6 digit code. Anyone with an idea as to what it means or how to read it? Are we purposely being confused?

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