
Emotional (My EMOTIONS need)

  • Friendship and belonging
  • Someone to listen to me
  • To know I am loved
  • To know I am of infinite, unconditional worth
  • To feel I am making a difference in the world
  • Make a new friend every day.
  • Express love openly and frequently to yourself, others, God, neighbors…
  • Renew an old friendship.
  • Practice an attitude of gratitude.
  • Keep a “feelings” journal about what you are emotionally experiencing
  • Talk about your feelings with others..
  • Pray often to know yourself.
  • Attend the temple
  • Practice being a very very good listener (others will then listen to you!)
  • Read books on emotional health
  • Practice positive self-talk
  • Be around positive, emotionally healthy people
  • Distance yourself from emotionally unhealthy people
  • Serve others less fortunate than yourself.
  • Try to really magnify your church (service) calling.
  • Create a “joy list” of twenty or so things that bring you genuine joy and do five of them each day.

1 thought on “Emotions

  1. What other items would you add to this list?
    Just pick out the ones that appeal to you emotionally.
    Caution, don’t pick too many, or enough to do an overwhelm and sabotage yourself or your success.

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