Green Smoothie

Swiss Chard

Note: Click on Green link below for recipe in .doc or .odt format

This is an original Green Smoothie recipe.  It is for tailoring to you and what you will drink and what is in season. Many of the so called weeds make for a cheap meal.  By the time I drink a quart for breakfast and a quart for lunch and a quart for dinner and a quart for snacks, I am full and I do not crave junk. A very good and easy cleanse to go on.

Green Smoothie Recipe .doc

Green Smoothie Recipe .odt

2 thoughts on “Green Smoothie

  1. The all important Celery is now added to this list. It is in almost all of my green smoothies. I add it for its Calcium Phosphate and it can also lowers Blood Pressure, (if you eat enough of it). I was told by one person who uses this daily to lower BP that he used 4 stalks a day.

  2. I have also added 4 figs and about 2 quarter size pieces of fresh garlic and I have really enjoyed about 1/4 of a fresh organic lemon with rind. The zest really gives it zest.😁 my mom cut up some fresh beet in hers for some variety also.

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